Full stack Linux, DevOps, Cloud and Security engineers. At your service.

Our Approach
We have up-to-the-minute real world experience working with productive technical teams. Our engineers design, create and optimise systems that reduce operational cost and security attack surface, and improve your time to delivery. Our approach includes:
- Utilising cloud technologies into your workflow including AWS, Azure and Google Compute Engine.
- Treating config as code
- Implementing CI/CD (automation of the process pipeline between code commits and production deployments)
- Keeping business logic separate from data and configuration
- Use of API's and middleware, avoiding dipping into SQL, stdout/err or log files for IPC and preventing brittle integration
- Utilising orchestration systems for configuration management and remote execution
- Utilising Docker in the dev/deploy process for improved speed, portability and maintainability
- Treating your servers as a whole rather than as individual hosts - the "cattle" rather than "pets" methodology
- Adopting software engineering principles including DRY, KISS, YAGNI, etc
Our Expertise
We know how a professional organisation's technology stack and workflow is structured to deliver a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. We specialise in:
- Backend software engineering and DevOps (event driven architecture, cloud systems, queueing, scaling, etc)
- Orchestration with Kubernetes, Terraform, AWS Cloudformation, Ansible, SaltStack, etc
- Containerisation with Docker
- Continuous Integration with Github Actions, TeamCity, BuildKite, AWS Code Pipeline, Bamboo, Gitlab Runner, etc
- Python code development for web apps, systems programming, build engineering and automation
- Python's Jupyter, Virtualenv, Conda, Django, Flask, testing, packaging and deployment
- Server monitoring, alerting and reporting
- Software stack deployment and continuous delivery
- Configuration management
- Systems integration
- Performance and low latency systems
- Information security engineering, testing and analysis
- Data storage, processing, visualisation and analytics
- Java application build pipelines, deployment and tuning
- Artifact repository management with Nexus, Artifactory, etc
- Advanced Linux networking (policy routing, VPN's, traffic shaping, monitoring, multicast, proxying, tuning, IPv4/6, etc)
- Service deployment, configuration, management and resiliency (Systemd, DNS, DHCP, Web, DB, network file servers, directory services, etc)
- Automated Linux server provisioning with PXE and Cobbler
- Much more...
Our expertise will bring advantages to any organisation whose operations include software development, systems integration, software deployment, automation and cloud technology. Anything Linux is fair game at LinuxDojo.
We are consulting Linux systems engineers and trainers.
We help businesses optimise their operational workflow and deliver software rapidly.
Learn more
Linux Dojo Pty. Ltd.
ABN: 30 611 885 262
Suite 3, 7/122 Arthur Street
North Sydney NSW 2060 Australia
Computer Training Lab
Turramurra NSW 2074 Australia
+61 2 8311 8686
Contact us